Exhibition River Cruise

Data începerii

December 16 2023

Exhibition River Cruise

December 16 2023

The Liszt Institute Bucharest in collaboration with the Hungarian Technical and Transport Museum presents the exhibition River Cruise, dedicated to the history of steam boats navigation on the Pest - Danube Delta route between 1830-1990.

The exhibition is structured in several thematic as well as chronological units under the following titles: Removing barriers, building relationships; Dynamics of disconnection; Socialist separation, socialist brotherhood. In addition to archive images, the exhibition includes period maps, timetables, ship models and film diaries.

The history of the Danube region can be described as a process in which powerful waves of integration and shocking waves of disintegration significantly expanded and restricted the possibilities offered by navigation on the Danube. The exhibition offers the visitor an overview of the history of water transport in the context of the closing and opening of borders between the societies of the Danube states.

The current exhibition is the third in a series dedicated to Danube navigation, which also included By boat from Vienna to Constantinople (2021) and Challenges and responses on the Danube. Hungary and navigation on the Danube in the interwar period (2022), can be visited in Timișoara until 29 February 2024, after which it will travel to Bucharest, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Galati and Tulcea.